The WDPC building continued to be a computing facility that served the North campus. CCN was aptly named because it developed a computer network to serve the entire campus. The North Node in this network was located on the second floor of the WDPC building and served the Graduate School of Management as well as other Schools and Departments on this part of the campus. Initially, input to CCN computers from this node continued to be via the punch card and output via a printer. Over time, access was improved by continual network upgrading with the installation of remote terminals for both input and output.

In the period from 1966 to the mid 1970s, I have found little documentation for GSM computer activiities. The people involved are long since gone and so are their files. I remember that the School maintained a small staff to provide assistance to GSM faculty and students in the use of CCN facilities. Many of the consulting staff were graduate student teaching assistants. These positions gave them financial support as well as practical experience. Their financial support came from GSM teaching assistant funds.