ARPA and Computer Networks

Under a three year grant from the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the Department of Defense, WDPC began investigating the general area of computer networks, a logical extension of the remote computing supported by teleprocessing. One of the programming efforts was the implimentation of an Input File Service that would permit storing input files on the 1301 disk and then retrieving and inserting them into the input/output stream of the 7094/7044 direct couple system. A seond effort was the design and specification for WDCOM which would greatly enhance on-line teleprocessing from Participating Insitutions and the remote console capability on campus. It was completed in 1965.

As one of several ARPA contractors, WDPC became tied into the time-sharing system at the System Development Corporation located in Santa Monica, California, through a standard teletype terminal. With it, faculty could use the AN/FSQ-32 computer at SDC.

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