May 3, 1956: Jacoby's Rebuttal to ElectroData for Chancellor Allen

Dean Jacoby offers some thoughts for Allen to consider in replying to Bradburn's letter which apparently has been sent to him.

If we cannot procure equipment by gift, we would surely request an appropriation from the Regents.

IBM's name will not appear on the Western Data Processing Center. This is the first time this name has appeared.

We solicit a gift from Electrodata.

It is not true that Stanford and Cal Tech turned down similar IBM proposals. Stanford made a vigorous effort to obtain a gift.

The faculty of the University does not recommend data processing equipment to business.

It is exceedingly difficult to see how acceptance of this gift is contrary to public policy. "On the contrary, it is incredible to believe that the Regents of the University will fail to accept a gift which can so greatly promote management education ..."

The entire letter is available here.

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