Jason's picture Welcome to Jason Frand's Homepage

September 1, 2006 was the start of an entirely new career for me. Retiring in 2006 meant it was thirty years since completing my doctorate (1976) and having lived an incredible career at UCLA involving the future of technology in education: thinking about it, teaching about it, designing a building for it, and an opportunity to be invited to conferences around the world to speak about it. That career was my trip to the moon!  Now I'm on a trip to Mars!  Retired, I turned my time and energy to my first academic passion: teaching children mathematics!

My life as a husband, father, grandfather and community memberfaimly

My retired life as a Math coach

Retirement could not be more fun!!!

My former professional life at UCLA Anderson School

The most amazing aspect of my life right now (2024), is that it is like the person who lived my former life seems to be someone other than me. The links below provide a picture of my time at UCLA.

Theory and

My professional life before UCLA

My education all in California

You can reach me via email at jfrand@ucla.edu
First homepage created September 15, 1996
Updated July 10, 2024